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Fungi Garden

You are a mycelium network super-conciousness helping an old tree stay alive. · By Darren Kearney


Recent updates

Day 5 - New Artwork, TileMaps and The Hidden Life of Trees (part 1) - What a treat! (ง^ᗜ^)ง
We're back this week to bring you some new art and research for the game (plus a tiny update)! This devlog is a part of our ongoing Fungi Facts series, in which...
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Day 4 - Audio! Hear the sound of mushrooms growing at 44kHz!*
In this update, I've added audio to the player movement. Now you can have more fun as you rapidly sprout little mushrooms all over the place! It was quite easy...
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Day 3 - Unity Coroutines, SCREEN SHAKE! And regaining my humanity.
Today was a short session of 3 hours. Once I got the shake working, I was so happy that I rocked out to some heavy tunes while running the screenshake script. G...
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Day 2 - Movement, Pixels, Camera, and becoming a Vampire.
Day 2 of development. Today I started working at 23:50 and worked through the night like some kind of vampire, but in a more accurate way, like a bloody eejit...
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Day 1
After a 14 hour day, we produced this masterpiece of perseverance! It barely works - but it works. It doesn't contain gameplay - however, there is such promisin...
1 file

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